Archivi: Footers

Footer Home 7

Our goal is to deliver quality of care in a courteous, respectful, and compassionate manner. We hope you will allow us to care for you and strive to be the first and best choice for your family healthcare. Make Appointment Departments Neurology Clinic Cardiology Clinic Pathology Clinic Laboratory Analysis Pediatric Clinic Outpatient Surgery Links About […]
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Footer Home 6

Our goal is to deliver quality of care in a courteous, respectful, and compassionate manner. We hope you will allow us to care for you and strive to be the first and best choice for your family healthcare. Make Appointment Departments Neurology Clinic Cardiology Clinic Pathology Clinic Laboratory Analysis Pediatric Clinic Outpatient Surgery Links About […]
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Footer Main

La CEMETAC è un centro medico che offre i servizi di Laboratorio Analisi, Diagnostica per Immagini e Visite Specialistiche. Il laboratorio Analisi  accreditato con S.S.N. – Cod. Regionale 002A6C, in cui vengono eseguite una vasta gamma di analisi cliniche da quelle di base a quelle più specialistiche, il tutto rispettando elevati standard di qualità intra […]
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